The Scarborough project: A resilience preparedness training model for comprehensive community trainers—A model in Maine
resilience, preparedness, whole communityAbstract
The complexity of homeland security reaches into every aspect of American life. It appears to the casual observer that danger or the threat of harm by natural disaster or from domestic or foreign entities is high and that our emergency responders are occasionally hard pressed to manage the demands placed on them. Government agencies share intelligence and information about potential problems; response is geared to the level of threat and depth of risk. The average citizens, who go about their daily life somewhat mystified by it all, are generally ill prepared to respond to disaster. Citizens must be able to individually and collectively work together to prepare for a natural or human-caused incident during the interim period when public emergency responders are gearing up to broadly respond (eg, in the first 72 hours).
As defined by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), preparedness is focused on the development of plans and capabilities for effective disaster response.Response is the immediate reaction to a disaster, and recovery consists of those activities that continue beyond the emergency period to restore critical community functions and to manage reconstruction. The authors add the critical dimension of resilience, the ability to bounce back when adversity or a disaster event occurs.
The blended train-the-trainer model prepares individuals with appropriate skills, knowledge, and abilities to enable them to train other community members in resilience preparedness. This model is eclectic and addresses a comprehensive community approach to resilience and preparedness training to include government, citizens, business, schools, volunteer groups, and other partners.
Training begins in late September of 2011.Trainees are being selected, and a group session to conduct a backward design exercise will determine their needs for targeted training, within the model, to increase their motivation and learning outcomes. A program evaluation has been designed and is discussed in this article.
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