Equal opportunity preparedness and response: Increasing preparedness and response for citizens with visual and auditory impairment
visual impairment, auditory impairment, preparedness, responseAbstract
During the planning process for preparedness and response of disasters, people with visual and auditory disabilities are frequently and mistakenly left out. In October of 2003, a television report in San Diego, CA, failed to provide visual warnings to inform Deaf residents during coverage of local fires.1 Confusion during Hurricane Katrina resulted in numerous service animals being separated from their owners.2 Emergency workers were unprepared to assist Deaf people on the 35W bridge collapse of 2007 in Minneapolis, MN. People with visual and auditory disabilities should be aware of their own needs in the event of an emergency, and their community should be aware too. Emergency managers and first responders should take certain precautions in assisting people with disabilities. The preparedness and response stages of visually impaired, auditorily impaired, and service animals are important topics for any community.References
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