Exploring strategic plans to improve NIMS training and implementation for volunteer firefighters in Indiana
NIMS, training, volunteersAbstract
September 11, 2001, has caused considerable change in the landscape for first responders everywhere. Unfortunately, a significant group, volunteer firefighters, who make up more than 80 percent of firefighters both in Indiana and nationwide, have had a difficult time adapting to the new method of response to emergency incidents that have come about as a result of this tragedy, the National Incident Management System (NIMS). There is confusion and lack of communication between state and local groups who are involved in this effort. This study proposes an attempt to support volunteer first responders more effectively and efficiently by the development of a group to act as trainers and liaisons, with lines of communication between state officials and local volunteer emergency first responders. Such a plan to utilize another agency of volunteers to train and support volunteer firefighters, if put into effect, could actually improve the training and implementation of NIMS procedures during actual emergencies. In short, it could save lives.References
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