Terrorism and US-sponsored microcredit program: Macroglobal returns
terrorism, social, microcredit, economicAbstract
Terrorism continues to plague society, more frequently in some parts of the world and infrequently in other areas, and some of the root causes of terrorism have been linked to the lack of appropriate economic and social conditions.This social and economic vulnerability may be reduced through the establishment of USsponsored microcredit programs in the affected regions. US-sponsored microcredit programs could be made accessible and available to the young and unemployed, those most vulnerable to Islamic extremist terrorist recruitment or those who would otherwise participate in terrorist attacks against America or American interests. This program could replace lack of opportunity, despair and feelings of anti-Americanism with economic opportunity, hope, and empowerment resulting in an improved global image of America. The net result of a successful American-sponsored microcredit program would reduce the risk of an attack by Islamic extremist terrorist organizations on America as well as improve the lives, livelihoods and societies of those who participate and beyond.This article examines and evaluates the proposal of reducing economic and social vulnerability through an American-sponsored microcredit program; it also addresses the history and concept of microcredit, possible program pitfalls and financial considerations.References
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