Disaster preparedness and educational attainment
disaster preparedness, emergency management systems, emergency notification systems, educational attainment, institutions of higher educationAbstract
The relationship between level of educational attainment and degree of self-reported disaster preparedness was investigated with national 2008 data. Americans with a post-secondary degree were expected to be more prepared because of exposure to university emergency systems and because education may impact the degree to which individuals process risk-minimizing information. The χ2 procedure produced statistically significant associations between all disaster preparedness measures and post-secondary degree status. Logistic regressions confirmed associations between the dependent measures and a post-secondary degree status, with all measures producing statistically significant t values. Positive correlations between post-secondary educational attainment and measures of disaster preparedness were stronger for having an emergency plan (b = 0.789) and knowing where to get additional information (b = 0.755).References
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