Capabilities-based planning: A framework for local planning success?
capabilities-based planning, Department of Homeland Security, emergency planning, community preparednessAbstract
In September 2007, the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) published the National Preparedness Guidelines which advocate a capabilitiesbased planning (CBP) approach to preparedness for state, local, and tribal governments. This article provides an overview of capabilities-based planning and a more specific focus on the aims, objectives, and components of the DHS CBP model. The article also summarizes what scholars have previously suggested are fundamental elements for successful emergency and disaster planning focusing specifically on Quarantelli’s 10 research-based principles. The article evaluates the effectiveness of the DHS CBP model in helping local governments incorporate these fundamental elements into their planning efforts and concludes with an overall assessment of the DHS CBP model as a framework for local planning success.References
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