Causation of catastrophe: Lessons from Hurricane Georges


  • David A. McEntire, PhD





What are the causes of disaster? This paper intends to answer this question by examining the impact of Hurricane Georges on the Dominican Republic in 1998. The paper explores the geographic and developmental context of the Caribbean nation, identifies the many factors that contributed to the disaster, and looks at the subsequent effects and response operations. The paper underscores how numerous variables from the physical and social environments interact to produce a disaster. It concludes with suggestions for improving disaster management operations in the future.

Author Biography

David A. McEntire, PhD

Emergency Administration and Planning,  Department of Public Administration, University of North Texas, Denton, Texas.


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How to Cite

McEntire, PhD, D. A. “Causation of Catastrophe: Lessons from Hurricane Georges”. Journal of Emergency Management, vol. 1, no. 2, July 2003, pp. 22-29, doi:10.5055/jem.2003.0017.


