Methodology and description of the High-Consequence Event Decision Matrix


  • Joshua Barnes, BS
  • Christan P. Humphries, BA





A review of the literature shows that terrorism response plans exist but are lengthy. This is a concern because, in response to a weapons of mass destruction (WMD) incident, responders must be aware of the master plan. It is unlikely that all first responders will have a working knowledge of lengthy master plans; consequently, a situation could arise where responders would not be working together. To mitigate catastrophic inefficiency, a high-consequence event decision matrix was created to classify all high-consequence incidents at different severity levels and describe the necessary emergency actions first responders must employ.

Author Biographies

Joshua Barnes, BS

Geographic Science, James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Virginia.

Christan P. Humphries, BA

Technical Science Communication, James Madison University, Staunton, Virginia.


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How to Cite

Barnes, BS, J., and C. P. Humphries, BA. “Methodology and Description of the High-Consequence Event Decision Matrix”. Journal of Emergency Management, vol. 3, no. 3, May 2005, pp. 33-43, doi:10.5055/jem.2005.0030.


