A preliminary model to evaluate disaster management efforts
disaster management, first responder, victims, service qualityAbstract
Disasters are diversified in all aspects: they range from storms and tornadoes to earthquakes, tsunamis and cyclones etc. They affect a range of countries. Most disasters are caused by geographical factors. The overall response depends on the wealth of a country. For example, Japan is better prepared than Nepal or Haiti. Disaster responses are multidimensional and are assumed to be effective. From a service quality perspective, groups of responders provide services to victims. Effectiveness and efficiency of victim services are perhaps two outcome measures. Unfortunately, published studies on evaluation of disaster responses are sparse to nonexistent. The intent of this study is to develop a preliminary method for assessing the perceived effectiveness and efficiency (service quality) from the perspectives of both the responders and the victims. A method (preliminary) is proposed in which all anticipated attributes and outcomes are measured. Regression is the proposed modeling tool. It is hoped that the proposed preliminary method will facilitate the preparedness of the response teams and give rise to a permanent method.
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