COVID-19 pandemic, government response, and policy implications in China, India, Iran, and Pakistan (CIIP)
COVID-19 pandemic, government response, CIIP, policy implications, comparative analysisAbstract
COVID-19 has been considered as a catastrophic global health response mechanism and demonstrated the international preparedness for the outbreak as well as government initiatives. This study aims to evaluate the comparative analysis of government response in China, India, Iran, and Pakistan (CIIP) countries regarding their policy enforcement on combating COVID-19 by using stringency, socioeconomic, and health containment indices. The proposed study analyzed the policy implications in CIIP from January 1, 2020 through July 21, 2020. Data have been collected from the European Union, World Health Organization, Humanitarian Exchange, and a selected National Database. Results show that despite a high degree of government’s strict policies in India and Pakistan, they have been failing to control the brutality of the COVID-19. In contrast, the politics of China and Iran appear to be very successful in combating the situation in COVID-19. This study concludes that countries with ample resources and stronger coping strategies should provide developing countries with the mean for mitigating and improve their socioeconomic and economic crises, which hindered their consistent policy enforcement during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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