Emergency preparedness during a global pandemic: Individual preparedness for COVID-19
emergency preparedness, individual preparedness, COVID-19, disaster managementAbstract
Existing research on individual preparedness in the United States indicates that we are generally unprepared for disasters. While there is an abundance of research on emergency preparedness, there are gaps in our knowledge. For example, the results of extant research are unclear regarding what factors influence individual preparedness. The preparedness literature is also limited in the types of disasters examined and in understanding the timing of preparedness activities. The current COVID-19 global pandemic provides a tragic but albeit unique opportunity to address these limitations of previous research and examine emergency preparedness activities before and immediately following the onset of the COVID-19 outbreak in the United States. This research is further distinctive because it examines preparedness activities related to the global pandemic rather than other types of disasters. Policy and research implications of the findings are presented.
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