The SERIES model: Can a standardized approach benefit practitioner evaluation of emergency response systems?
emergency response, system evaluation, organizational learning, network analysis, practitioner, fire serviceAbstract
The purpose of this research was to investigate the use of a standardized model of data collection, storage, and interpretation to evaluate the organized response to emergencies. The Standardized Emergency Response Incident Evaluation System (SERIES) model was employed to support practitioner evaluation of a fire service response to a simulated high-rise building fire. A comprehensive dataset representing quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the emergency response is established through content analysis of documents produced during the response and interviews with responders post-incident. Data are encoded within a standardized framework employing network theory. This dataset is then evaluated by fire service subject matter experts to identify learning outcomes relevant to emergency response effectiveness and organizational development. The results demonstrate that emergency response management system data can be collected and stored within a standardized framework. The results also demonstrate that not only can the resultant dataset support the identification of a range of learning outcomes by fire service practitioners, but that this approach can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the response and deeper learning than that provided by existing evaluation methods.
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