Factors affecting the post-disaster temporary housing construction
temporary housing, post-disaster recovery, resiliencyAbstract
Every year, around 14 million people become homeless worldwide due to natural disasters. Providing temporary housing for the affected people is considered a complex task as it is affected by numerous factors such as socioeconomic, logistics, and community characteristics of the region. Acknowledging and creating a balance between these needs by the agencies or contractors who provide accommodations to post-disaster victims is one of the main challenges that need to be addressed. Although many research efforts have been made regarding studying the factors, there is a lack of reviewing these factors in detail and how they can affect each other. This review paper studies the factors affecting the building process of temporary housings. It highlights the type and frequency of the factors that have been studied by different researchers and agencies in the past 20 years (1999-2019). The resources used for this research were “Academic Search Premier” and “Engineering Village” databases, as well as the gray literature. It also provides a comprehensive review of research and reports that have studied the combination of these factors and how they have covered many of them.
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