Applying the novel IDEA model for instructional health risk and crisis communication to explore the effectiveness of the COVID-19 crisis communication in Cameroon
crisis communication, IDEA model for instructional health risk and crisis communication, Cameroon, COVID-19 pandemic, health crisisAbstract
This paper utilized a new novel framework, the Initialization, Distribution, Explanation, and Action (IDEA) model, for Instructional Health Risk and Crisis Communication (IHRCC) to investigate the effectiveness of the COVID-19 crisis communication (CC) in Cameroon. This contemporary research is empirical, qualitative, exploratory, and novel in the field of CC. Based on the findings, the COVID-19 CC in Cameroon could be ranked mediocre-fair. This is informed by an analysis of the IDEA elements in the framework that reveals that “Internalization” (messages on timeliness, compassion, and impact) was poor, “Distribution” (messages, guidance/protocols, and sources/distribution of messages) and “Explanation” (accuracy of messages, updated messages, and CC languages) were fair, and “Action” (instructional messages on infection control) considered as mediocre. This paper contributes to literature in the field, including concept development in health CC. The novel IDEA framework for IHRCC can enable health crisis managers gain context and better apply best practices to health CC. A structured recommendation on how this can be done has been proffered.
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