Protecting vulnerable populations: COVID-19 pandemic, mental health, and refugees and asylees
COVID-19, refugee, asylee, and immigrant (RAI) community, mental healthAbstract
According to the World Health Organization, as of June 2021, there have been over 3.7 million deaths globally and nearly 600,000 Americans who lost their lives from COVID-19 (WHO Coronavirus Disease Dashboard, 2021). The health, mental health, and economic effects are apparent in every household and community. However, the most vulnerable populations tend to be more adversely affected by disasters, and the COVID-19 pandemic is no exception. This article focuses on the mental health effects of COVID-19 on the refugee, asylee, and immigrant (RAI) community, the effects of misinformation and lack of access to the healthcare system, and the results from a small qualitative program evaluation that included exploration of the effects of COVID-19 on refugees and asylees. The authors discuss specific issues reported by the RAI population, intergenerational trauma, and recommendations for health and mental health programming when working with RAI communities during disasters such as pandemics.
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