Emergency management and HAZMAT mitigation: Strategic planning for new developments
urban development, hazard mitigation, HAZMAT, evacuation, emergency management, ALOHA model, MARPLOT modelAbstract
In cases of accidental hazardous materials (HAZMAT) release, several emergency management responses can be taken to maintain the safety of the living environment. This study focuses on building a long-range planning, urban development model for hazards addressing where development zones should be located to mitigate exposure to HAZMAT and minimize evacuations. Interviews and meta-analytic manipulation of data were used to demonstrate flaws in three industrial cities’ disaster management plans. These data were also used to influence development in plain model areas where hydrogen sulfide or other hazardous materials could accidentally be released. The Areal Location of Hazardous Atmospheres (ALOHA) model was used to simulate physical conditions affecting the hydrogen sulfide gas released from Mesaieed Industrial City in the State of Qatar, and Mapping Application for Response, Planning, and Local Operational Tasks mapping was used to display ALOHA threat estimates. Findings represent a considerable improvement to the urban developments in areas near HAZMAT risk zones and can be applied to other international industrial areas.
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