Disaster response using the circular economy: A timeline review of the literature
circular economy (CE), innovation, recovery, recycling, corporate social responsibility (CSR), development, Sendai framework, National Response Framework (NRF)Abstract
Construction materials are, by the very nature of building something, an investment in the future. Every project highlights the possibilities of the building or structure, but when a catastrophic event renders it useless, the landfills grow, and the resources’ potential is lost. The end of a building does not need to mean the end of those materials in it. As part of the growing momentum behind sustainability metrics sought out by investment and construction firms alike, the potential for returns on investment already exists. The United States has the National Response Framework and international commitments like the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction that signify the appetite to embrace the latest innovations in response techniques and technologies. This literature review will focus on how the construction and demolition industry can lead as the primary ameliorators and enablers of remedying this shortfall in innovative adoption uptake by engaging and applying the growing practice of the circular economy to their own debris management regimens.
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