COVID-19 self-medication treatment: Media’s adverse effect based on people’s level of education
self-medication, COVID-19 prevention, media adverse effect, WHO, healthcareAbstract
Objective: Self-medication has become a major concern among nonmedical professionals during the treatment of COVID-19. Such concerns have been attributed to the adverse effect of information shared via media outlets. Here, a survey was undertaken among nonhealthcare professionals to find out the adverse effect of media on self-medication for treating COVID-19.
Methods: A questionnaire-based survey was conducted electronically among nonmedical professionals (270 respondents). The questionnaire comprised three main components: demographic, education, and factor for self-medication. Statistical analysis of the data was made using analysis of variance to determine the degree of agreement between the response of participants with education below and above graduation.
Results and conclusion: Most of the respondents agreed that they get information about the COVID-19 medicines from different media. However, most of them do not visit the reliable source like World Health Organization (WHO) website to get information about COVID-19. The respondents were aware of the usage of medications such as Remdesvir, azithromycin, vitamins, herbal preparations, paracetamol, and cetirizine for COVID-19. The usage of herbal preparation may be due to their promotion in the media as over the counter drugs (OTC) products. It has been proposed to create more awareness and warning signs for the patients in and around pharmacy and hospital. Media campaign to create awareness for the prevention of COVID-19 spread should also be added with a caution line not to use any medication for treatment without prior consultation with physician. The matter of concern is that only a small fraction of the respondents follow WHO website to get information regarding COVID-19, which mandates to create awareness among the public regarding the role of WHO in healthcare. A significant agreement was noted between below graduates and post-graduates regarding questions such as visiting WHO website and the safety of taking medicine without consulting physician. Media is a contributing factor to self-medication, and measures of caution are highly imperative.
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