Predicting profiles of post-trauma adaptation in first responders and civilians after the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings: The role of distress, growth, and emotion regulation
trauma, post-traumatic growth, first responders, coping flexibility, emotion regulationAbstract
Introduction: Responses to trauma are often characterized either by the presence or absence of psychological distress; however, the process of adapting after trauma also includes potential positive change. While some studies document that the majority of individuals exposed to single event terrorism report low levels of psychological distress, more research is needed to understand different adaptation profiles following this type of trauma, and the factors that might predict responses.
Methods: We examined post-trauma responses in 257 first responders/medical professionals (66.8 percent) and civilians (33.2 percent) exposed to the 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings. Data for post-trauma profiles—post-traumatic growth (PTG), posttraumatic stress, and emotion regulation—and profile predictors—trauma proximity, trauma history, and coping flexibility—were collected approximately 2.5 years after the bombings. Latent profile analysis identified response profiles, and multinomial logistic regression identified demographic, event-specific, and psychological predictors of profile membership.
Results: Four profiles emerged: (1) symptomatic, (2) resistant, (3) resilient, and (4) struggling growth. First responder role decreased the odds of belonging to the struggling growth profile, as compared to the symptomatic profile. Greater coping flexibility and adaptive emotion regulation increased the odds of membership in the struggling growth, rather than symptomatic profile.
Conclusion: A subset of individuals experiencing post-traumatic stress symptoms years after trauma exposure may also be utilizing flexible, adaptive coping strategies and experiencing PTG. First responders may have difficulty experiencing simultaneous distress and growth, and interventions designed to promote healthy post-trauma adaptation for this population could be tailored accordingly.
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