Finalizing emergency management professionalization in 2024




professionalization, emergency management, disaster, emerging profession


This editorial discusses the urgent need to finalize the emerging emergency management profession. Points of reference in the years immediately preceding and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic are recounted and frame some of the essential forward work slated to be started or completed this year in 2024. Activity taking place by connected associations and members of the emerging profession is shared. Legislation filed in Massachusetts to finalize the emerging profession is also shared. Activities needed for the emerging profession are described, and how professionals can help in their role to continue to move these fundamental initiatives forward is outlined. Present considerations should be accounted for, as they threaten the fabric of the emerging profession while at the same time giving us undeniable reasons for why we need to finalize this critical work in 2024 before the next major global disaster.

Author Biography

Jennifer Carlson, PhD, CEM®, LCSW

Anna Maria College, Department of Emergency Management, Paxton, Massachusetts; International Association of Emergency Managers Co-Chair, Higher Education Academician Caucus, Professionalization Subgroup Lead


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How to Cite

Carlson, J. “Finalizing Emergency Management Professionalization in 2024”. Journal of Emergency Management, vol. 22, no. 3, May 2024, pp. 225-34, doi:10.5055/jem.0866.


