Logic of crisis management practice in handling the COVID-19 pandemic: Experiences from two Swedish public-sector organizations
coronavirus disease 2019, public-sector organization, practice, higher management, operational managementAbstract
This study aims to examine the ambiguity and uncertainty surrounding crisis management and the implementation of national recommendations in two public-sector organizations during the initial phase of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This study is based on two case studies: a municipality and a county administrative board in Sweden. Data were collected through interviews, surveys, and participation in meetings, and they were analyzed using a practice theory lens. The results demonstrate a lack of knowledge and uncertainty regarding the crisis management structure, leading to conflicting interpretations of rules, recommendations, and decision-making procedures. The somewhat uncoordinated response from central authorities had a significant impact on local handling of the crisis, requiring higher management to spend considerable time interpreting the regulations and adjusting them to the local situation. The lack of clear decision procedures and support from higher management creates frustration and anxiety among operational managers. Organizations struggle to keep up with fast-changing guidelines and implement them effectively, resulting in an increased workload and challenges in prioritizing resources. The study also reveals concerns about the long-term consequences and ability to maintain quality in core activities during a wide-ranging crisis as the COVID-19 pandemic.
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