Estimating medically fragile population in storm surge zones: A geographic information system application
GIS, medically fragile population, storm surge hazards mappingAbstract
Objective: To develop a simple, cost-effective method for determining the size and geographic distribution of medically fragile (MF) individuals at risk from tropical storm surges for use by emergency management planners.
Design: The study used Geographic Information System (GIS) spatially referenced layers based on secondary data sources from both state and federal levels.
Setting: The study setting included the eastern North Carolina coastal counties that would be affected by tropical storm surges.
Subjects: The initial MF population was extrapolated from national estimates for five conditions and then applied to US Census block population. These conditions included insulin dependent diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, congestive heart failure, end stage renal disease, and patients receiving long-term oxygen treatment.
Main outcomes: The main outcome of this study was a series of local and regional maps that portrayed the geographic distribution and estimated counts of potentially at-risk MF population from a tropical storm surge scenario.
Conclusions: Maps depicting the geographic distribution and potential numbers of MF individuals are important information for planning and preparedness in emergency management and potentially engaging the public.
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