The scholarship of teaching and learning in emergency management and homeland security: Trends, gaps, barriers, and opportunities
higher education, scholarship of teaching and learning, teaching, learning, emergency management/homeland security higher educationAbstract
Underlying the nature of what is and is not a profession are education standards. Among the characteristics defining a profession’s specialized boundaries are the education standards comprising its academic programs. The status of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is explored for both emergency management and homeland security (EM/HS) at this point in time. The aim of this article is to increase the conceptual understanding of SoTL by discussing what SoTL is, explaining why it is important, exploring our current state of knowledge in this area, and by identifying current barriers and opportunities for improvement. Several possible means of better integrating SoTL into the EM/HS discipines are highlighted: Making SoTL a higher priority, increasing exposure to existing research, advancing knowledge within our own disciplines, sharing knowledge through publications and conferences, and applying knowledge in our teaching. Conclusively, the vital nature of SoTL research can more deeply establish the professional boundaries for both disciplines.
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